38 research outputs found

    One-dimensional many-body entangled open quantum systems with tensor network methods

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    We present a collection of methods to simulate entangled dynamics of open quantum systems governed by the Lindblad equation with tensor network methods. Tensor network methods using matrix product states have been proven very useful to simulate many-body quantum systems and have driven many innovations in research. Since the matrix product state design is tailored for closed one-dimensional systems governed by the Schr\"odinger equation, the next step for many-body quantum dynamics is the simulation of open quantum systems. We review the three dominant approaches to the simulation of open quantum systems via the Lindblad master equation: quantum trajectories, matrix product density operators, and locally purified tensor networks. Selected examples guide possible applications of the methods and serve moreover as a benchmark between the techniques. These examples include the finite temperature states of the transverse quantum Ising model, the dynamics of an exciton traveling under the influence of spontaneous emission and dephasing, and a double-well potential simulated with the Bose-Hubbard model including dephasing. We analyze which approach is favorable leading to the conclusion that a complete set of all three methods is most beneficial, push- ing the limits of different scenarios. The convergence studies using analytical results for macroscopic variables and exact diagonalization methods as comparison, show, for example, that matrix product density operators are favorable for the exciton problem in our study. All three methods access the same library, i.e., the software package Open Source Matrix Product States, allowing us to have a meaningful comparison between the approaches based on the selected examples. For example, tensor operations are accessed from the same subroutines and with the same optimization eliminating one possible bias in a comparison of such numerical methods.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Small extension of time evolution section and moving quantum simulators to introduction in comparison to v

    The Tensor Networks Anthology: Simulation techniques for many-body quantum lattice systems

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    We present a compendium of numerical simulation techniques, based on tensor network methods, aiming to address problems of many-body quantum mechanics on a classical computer. The core setting of this anthology are lattice problems in low spatial dimension at finite size, a physical scenario where tensor network methods, both Density Matrix Renormalization Group and beyond, have long proven to be winning strategies. Here we explore in detail the numerical frameworks and methods employed to deal with low-dimension physical setups, from a computational physics perspective. We focus on symmetries and closed-system simulations in arbitrary boundary conditions, while discussing the numerical data structures and linear algebra manipulation routines involved, which form the core libraries of any tensor network code. At a higher level, we put the spotlight on loop-free network geometries, discussing their advantages, and presenting in detail algorithms to simulate low-energy equilibrium states. Accompanied by discussions of data structures, numerical techniques and performance, this anthology serves as a programmer's companion, as well as a self-contained introduction and review of the basic and selected advanced concepts in tensor networks, including examples of their applications.Comment: 115 pages, 56 figure

    Optimal sampling of tensor networks targeting wave function's fast decaying tails

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    We introduce an optimal strategy to sample quantum outcomes of local measurement strings for isometric tensor network states. Our method generates samples based on an exact cumulative bounding function, without prior knowledge, in the minimal amount of tensor network contractions. The algorithm avoids sample repetition and, thus, is efficient at sampling distribution with exponentially decaying tails. We illustrate the computational advantage provided by our optimal sampling method through various numerical examples, involving condensed matter, optimization problems, and quantum circuit scenarios. Theory predicts up to an exponential speedup reducing the scaling for sampling the space up to an accumulated unknown probability Ï”\epsilon from O(ϔ−1)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1}) to O(log⁥(ϔ−1))\mathcal{O}(\log(\epsilon^{-1})) for a decaying probability distribution. We confirm this in practice with over one order of magnitude speedup or multiple orders improvement in the error depending on the application. Our sampling strategy extends beyond local observables, e.g., to quantum magic.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. All figures are available on figshare at http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.7023201. The code to reproduce the results is available on zenodo at http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10499025. The initial states to reproduce the results are available on zenodo at http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1051100

    Ab-initio two-dimensional digital twin for quantum computer benchmarking

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    Large-scale numerical simulations of the Hamiltonian dynamics of a Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) computer - a digital twin - could play a major role in developing efficient and scalable strategies for tuning quantum algorithms for specific hardware. Via a two-dimensional tensor network digital twin of a Rydberg atom quantum computer, we demonstrate the feasibility of such a program. In particular, we quantify the effects of gate crosstalks induced by the van der Waals interaction between Rydberg atoms: according to an 8x8 digital twin simulation based on the current state-of-the-art experimental setups, the initial state of a five-qubit repetition code can be prepared with a high fidelity, a first indicator for a compatibility with fault-tolerant quantum computing. The preparation of a 64-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state with about 700 gates yields a 99.9% fidelity in a closed system while achieving a speedup of 35% via parallelization.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Kibble-Zurek scaling of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model at finite temperatures

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    We use tensor network methods - Matrix Product States, Tree Tensor Networks, and Locally Purified Tensor Networks - to simulate the one dimensional Bose-Hubbard model for zero and finite temperatures in experimentally accessible regimes. We first explore the effect of thermal fluctuations on the system ground state by characterizing its Mott and superfluid features. Then, we study the behavior of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics induced by quenches of the hopping parameter. We confirm a Kibble-Zurek scaling for zero temperature and characterize the finite temperature behavior, which we explain by means of a simple argument.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure